vip marketing day

a vip marketing day tailored to your exact needs

Wouldn't you love to just click your fingers and in the space of 24 hours have all the solutions to your marketing woes handed to you?

Well, there is only so much I can do in  24 hours, however, that's the goal with a VIP Day. 

Do any of these resonate with you?

  • You feel stuck in a rut with your current marketing strategy & feel like you’re simply not seeing the results you’re after?

  • You feel lost and overwhelmed trying to keep up with marketing trends and feel like you’re falling behind?

  • Have a specific area of marketing you want to expand, up-level or adopt but are unsure how to do so effectively?

  • Love the idea of having fresh eyes on your current marketing to help you upscale your business (and income!)

  • Are just launching a new business and need a marketing plan and strategy but would love some professional help?

how the vip day works:

  • After you contact me to express your interest, we line up a call (or emails if you prefer) to go over your marketing goals, what areas you want to focus on and what direction you are heading in. You’ll give me a little background about your business- what’s working well and what you feel needs a little extra oomph to get you to where you want to be. 

  • Then I spend a full day auditing what you're currently doing, checking out the landscape you work within and seeing what, where and how you can take things to the next level. I’ll go through all of your marketing avenues and platforms and provide you a road map that you can have as your guiding light, your marketing sidekick, to implement in your own time and space.

What you get when we work together:

I’ll dive deeply into your:

  • Social media platforms and campaigns

  • Website layout, copy, aesthetic, flow and functionality

  • Email newsletter campaigns and funnels

  • Blogs, SEO and possible other marketing avenues worth exploring

what about business newbies?

Hold up a second, what if your business is new and you don't have any of the above (or even know what half of those terms actually mean?!)

That's ok too! We can look at setting up your marketing strategy and the most essential platforms to help your business leap boldly into the digital landscape - without you feeling overwhelmed or ill-prepared! 

  • I can support you to launch your marketing with ease through effective social media strategy, heart-fuelled website copy that converts, email and welcome campaigns that work for you when you’re not online, and savvy digital ads that help to launch your business boldly into the digital space. Plus any other marketing avenues you wish to explore, or any I feel you would benefit from having a digital presence.

have a single-focused marketing goal?

Just need help with ONE of the above areas?  That’s easy too!

I can do a VIP day based on:

  • Your website copy

  • Your social strategy

  • Your email or opt in funnels 

  • And more…

You choose the area of marketing that you’re feeling a little intimidated or downright baffled by and I can help to make it not only simple and comprehensive, but also sparkly, beautiful and most importantly, effective. 

what if you need more support beyond one day?

Don’t worry, I won't disappear like the white rabbit after our day together either. You are still welcome to contact me with any questions you have or if you need any additional pointers or advice on the roadmap I have offered you. 

If you DO  need more support, there are ways in which I can continue to support you. However, this isn't a ploy to lure you into a long and expensive retainer! The VIP Day is designed to provide you with easy-to-implement suggestions and tools to up-level your current marketing strategy in simple ways that you can implement yourself. It’s designed to help you get out of a rut and gain some new ideas, fresh perspective and new inspiration that you’ve been craving.

I want to hand things over to you so that YOU can grasp the reins with confidence and canter into the sunset knowing your marketing game just leaped to a whole new exciting arena. 


The vip day formula revealed…

  1. Your beautiful business

Yep, it all starts with your fabulous business and where you want it to go. The marketing landscape is vast and intricate. You’re likely trying to ‘do it all’ and realising that’s not really the most effective method. You’re ready to streamline and simplify to upscale, grow and thrive. But, you need a little help to get there, right?!

  1. My marketing expertise

Eeek, I’m an introvert and using a word like ‘expertise’ makes me squirm a little. BUT, I do heart-on-heart know that I can help you to up-level your marketing and increase your business metrics. NOT vanity metrics, but cash-in-the-bank kind of metrics. I’d be honoured to spend a day geeking out over your marketing strategy and helping your business soar.

  1. A new world of marketing sucess

The marketing arena is always changing. However, there are also key marketing methods that are stable, constant and proven to be effective. We’ll dabble in both- old school systems that have your back, and new marketing trends that can keep you relevant, visible and resonate with your key niche. Expect more conversations and more conversions.


shall we do this?!

Let’s face it, it can be hard to think outside the box when we are so immersed in the day to day of our business.
Having fresh eyes on your marketing offers the wider perspective that’s required to see the sticky spots and also see the glimmering golden opportunities yet to be harnessed. 

A VIP Day isn’t designed to just make your marketing look pretty with instagram filters.
It's designed to help your business scale. In simple terms that means, help your biz make more cash ;) 

We both know that your business is your passion.

Marketing is my passion.

My aim is to help position your heart-fueled business in front of the wonderful people that you created it for and make it easy for them to say ‘hell yes’ to what you’re offering. 

Sound like a plan?! Click the button below to contact me.

“Change is inevitable. Growth is optional.”

 Frequently asked questions

Is the VIP Day in person or online?

The Vip Day is offered as an online experience. We will commincuate prior to the full day that I spend working on your business. I will send everything through to you via email when the Vip day is complete. This allows you to have everything you need ‘on paper’ so to speak, so that you can refer to it anytime you need to. We can communicate via email, phone or zoom for the onboarding and handover.

I want help just with my website copy, is that ok?

Yes! This is your VIP Day! I am happy to work on anything that you feel needs help in terms of your business marketing. A website audit and update is a fantastic way to spend your VIP Day focus! This is primarily where your business converts your clients, so it’s essential to have the copy working for you.

I'm only just starting out, is a VIP Day for me?

Starting off your marketing with a VIP Day is such a powerful way to kick start your new business. It will give you a roadmap to follow as you launch, and help you to focus on what really matters, rather than feeling overwhelmed and trying to do it all! We can focus on the key platforms you want to have a digital presence on, as well as other marketing avenues that I feel your business will benefit from too.

I outsource my marketing already, could this still be useful?

If you have various people supporting you already in your business, a VIP Day can be a wonderful way to simply get fresh eyes and a new perspective on your marketing plan and methods. I’ve done this for many businesses and there is always gold to be gleamed! Whether that’s new trends you can be working with, funnels that need a revamp, website copy that needs a refresh or ad campaigns that have stagnated- having a VIP Day will inject new life force into your marketing efforts and have immediate results.