FLOURISH: A Guided Program for Savvy Biz Owners Ready to Scale
A 6-week guided program to take your existing business to the next level.
Up-level your marketing by marrying strategy with passion to create greater impact and effortless conversion.
Keeping up with the daily demands of your business is a lot.
Trying to keep up with all the demands - and constant changes and upgrades - in marketing and technology is pretty much a full time job *on top of* your current role (or roles, you likely have a few hats on!)
Let’s uplevel your biz with ease…
I am one zillion percent certain that there are plenty of changes you can make right now to your marketing strategy that will make a significant difference and are easy to implement.
I don’t mean ‘vanity’ analytics either, like more likes on your latest Instagram reel (although, that will happen too!) I mean, more eyes on your website and more conversations that result in emails in your inbox and dollars in your business account.
Together, we look at what you’re doing (and what you’re not doing) and really narrow down on your marketing goals. From there, we talk strategy and implementation so you can get from A to Z with ease, grace, clarity, confidence and zero meltdowns.
If you’re ready to move to the next level, to upgrade your business, to FLOURISH in ways that your heart craves, this program has been lovingly created just for you.
FLOURISH is for you if:
You have a current business that feels stagnant and needs and facelift
You’re sinking in the murky waters of marketing and need a lotus flower to rise up upon
You know you need to be doing more but you're unsure where to start
Your marketing strategy involves ‘winging it’ from week to week
Analytics are a foreign land that you’re resistant to exploring but know you should
Need a heart-centred yet clued in biz buddy to brainstorm and bounce new ideas with
You’re aching to take your business to the next level but feel weighed down by the day to day
You want to create MORE impact and need a direct path to get there
What Makes FLOURISH work
Your Beautiful Biz
Nullam id nisl nec urna gravida pharetra posuere vitae lectus. Nunc augue urna, auctor laoreet aliquam a, pellentesque sit amet libero. Etiam volutpat velit eu nunc cursus gravida. Suspendisse eget nisl nec augue sodales feugiat quis ac purus. Curabitur tellus tortor, eleifend vel tincidunt eget, auctor id velit. Mauris a ornare arcu.
Next-Level Marketing Strategies
Proin at sapien sapien. Proin in convallis dui, non viverra augue. Suspendisse blandit orci a sapien tincidunt, vel dignissim elit dictum. Vestibulum ligula augue, sagittis nec accumsan vitae, aliquam nec orci. Curabitur luctus vehicula felis ac malesuada. Curabitur blandit mi ac tincidunt molestie. Nulla tristique eros sed nulla sodales consequat. Nullam placerat accumsan mauris, vitae tincidunt diam blandit ut.
Implementation & Analytics
Nunc scelerisque ligula ac libero egestas dignissim. Curabitur non vestibulum urna. Ut nec dignissim felis, a posuere tortor. Aliquam placerat, tortor pharetra cursus luctus, dolor velit ullamcorper lacus, gravida tincidunt.
What you get when we work together:
Flourish isn’t another program that you need to put on your constantly-expanding to-do list either. The way we work together integrates this step-by-step program into your existing business.
Each week we break down and focus intently on one area of your marketing strategy and dedicate a full week to highlighting and weaving the upgrades into your business.
The areas of focus for our 6 week deep dive journey include…
Marketing strategy
Website copy
Newsletter copy and email opt-in
Funnel emails and automations
Social media strategy and copy
Blog strategy and copy
Here’s how FLOURISH works:
This is a 6 week guided, one-on-one, personalised program. Once we outline your specific focus and your goals, we dive into a session each week to go over the suggestions and upgrades and allow you to ask questions and share your own feedback.
Flourish allows me to go through your business and your current marketing strategy with eagle eyes and analyse what is working and areas you can update and amplify to attract, engage and convert your ideal clients.
Flourish is about cheerleading you on for getting to where you are now and then laying a yellow brick road to take you to the next level. It’s about making your brand and business radiate from the outside and create a streamlined flow of abundance on the inside.
Are you ready to FLOURISH and take your business to the next level?
Let’s jump on a call and chat about *all the things.*